About Us Church, Reformed theology, Biblical teaching, expository preaching, Biblical doctrine, Blue Mountains, Lawson, Hazelbrook, Wentworth Falls, Mid Mountains.

About us:

We are a small, friendly, Biblically faithful church in the Mid Mountains,
part of the Presbyterian Church in Australia.

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Our people:

The Pastor, Elders and Deacons
are responsible for the spiritual and practical needs of the church.

"...only Christ and him crucified."

The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:2 that the most vital message to the world is that of Jesus Christ and the atonement he made on the cross for those who trust in Him. Nothing is more important than Jesus' perfect righteousness, which is imputed to us through faith, while the due penalty of our sin was placed on Him on the cross.

This is the good news that reconciles us to God and allows us to look forward to eternity with Him. Without Christ's work, we would have no hope of earning our way to God's favour or for our sins to be forgiven.

At Woodford church, we live in this joyful reality. Christ is the focal lens through which we see all other things in life. In good times or hard times, we know we serve the sovereign God who is in control over the chaos of life and loves and cares for his people. 

We meet together to worship God, for all He is and all He has done. We meet to learn more from God's word, the Bible, and encourage each other as we live a life of gratitude because (praise God!) it's all about Him and not about us. And that is what makes us truly free.

If you are questioning knowing God, or want to find fellow believers who take the Word of God seriously and want to learn and grow to be like our saviour Jesus Christ, we would love to have you join us.

Cameron Stefferson


The Elders, along with the pastor, are responsible for the teaching within the church and the spiritual welfare of the congregation. If you have questions about what we believe or why we do things the way we do, talk to the Pastor or an Elder. 
Phil Wilding
Session Clerk/Elder
Caleb Edlin
Wayne Olling


Deacons help with practical needs and personal support alongside the Pastor and Elders. 
Rhonda Hadfield


Bill Pullan

Our history



Presbyterian services were commenced in Woodford House (which later became Woodford Academy).                                 


Woodford Academy

Mr. John Fraser McManamey opened a school for boys in the old house, renamed the Woodford Academy. Services moved to the newly opened Methodist Hall in Woodford.


Services recommence at the site

A room in the Academy was made available for Sunday services (continued there until 1965).                                                    


First building

Services began in a building erected by voluntary labour (now used as the church hall.)                                                               


Current Church building

Opening of present church building (largely erected by voluntary labour).                                                                                       


Present day

We continue as a small, friendly, Biblically faithful church in the Mid Mountains, part of the Presbyterian Church in Australia.

We would love to welcome you to a Sunday morning or evening service. To find out more, contact us.


About us

We are part of the Presbyterian Church in Australia, established in 1823 and formalised in 1901, which is rooted in Scottish Presbyterianism and Reformed theology. With congregations across urban and rural areas, the church has shaped Australia’s spiritual and cultural heritage for over two centuries. 

Whether you are looking for a new Church or just visiting the Blue Mountains, we would love to see you on Sunday. At a Sunday morning service, you will be greeted in the foyer and given a Bible and the current week's Church newsletter. During the service, there will be Bible readings, prayers and worship in song. During one of the songs, members can give an offering that also helps run the Church and its ministries. If you're visiting, simply let the offering bag pass by. There will be a sermon for around 25 minutes, which is a time of teaching and challenging from the Bible. Afterwards, we would love you to join us in the hall for morning tea. 

Our evening service offers a more relaxed, informal atmosphere. 

See the 'Services' page for more info. 

We believe it's important for children to be part of our Church family and be with us as we meet together. During the school term, we have a children's story/message time in the service. We also have activity/colouring sheets and pencils available. If you have very young children or a baby, please don't worry if they make a little noise. If you prefer, you can sit with them in the foyer, where there are some books and toys, and you will still hear the service through the speakers. 

Parking is available in the front and rear carpark of the church. 

You can locate us here.

Yes! The Church and hall are accessible for wheelchair access. If you plan to visit and have any other requirements or questions, we'd love for you to contact us.

Fill in the Contact Us form below, and the Pastor will be happy to talk further with you. You can let us know if you prefer to be emailed, texted, or phoned.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you