We believe that there is One God who is the Creator and Judge of the world. In the fullness of time He has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God has made Himself known in His infallible word, the Bible.
We believe that human beings are created in God’s image. However, when Adam sinned, that image was stained and tarnished. We inherit Adam’s fallen nature.
The penalty for sin is death, leading ultimately to the second death, which is everlasting judgment.
The Law of God reveals that we are sinners but does not save us.
Christ is the Lord from Heaven who came to lead a sinless life, and offer Himself up as the sinless sacrifice to pay the death penalty which we deserve.
We cannot earn salvation. We can only receive it when the Holy Spirit enables us to have faith in Christ alone.
We seek to serve Christ in the fellowship of the body of His people, the Church. Our joining this body is signified by baptism, our ongoing commitment to Christ is signified by taking part in the Lord’s Supper.
The Supreme Standard of the Church is the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
The Subordinate Standard of the Church is the Westminster Confession.
The Westminster Confession of Faith, written in 1643 by Reformed theologians during the English Civil War, established a unified doctrinal standard. It emphasises God's sovereignty, predestination, and biblical authority. This confession remains a foundational document, shaping Reformed theology and influencing churches worldwide with its theological clarity and precision.
R.C. Sproul through the Years:
Ligonier Ministries
Alpha and Omega Ministries, headed by James White, is dedicated to Reformed theology, Christian apologetics, and biblical teaching. The ministry focuses on defending the Christian faith through debates, producing content that addresses challenges from other religions, worldviews, and atheism.
Founded by R.C. Sproul, for more than fifty years, Ligonier has served the church by producing trustworthy discipleship resources that are rooted in the historic Christian faith. Their aim is to help Christians everywhere know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.
Grace to You, led by John MacArthur, is a ministry focused on Reformed theology and biblical teaching. It provides sermons, resources, and broadcasts emphasising expository preaching, sound doctrine, and the authority of Scripture, aiming to equip believers to live faithfully in Christ.
When We Understand the Text (WWUTT), led by Gabriel Hughes, is a ministry known for its engaging, short videos that explain complex biblical truths in a clear, concise, and often humorous way. These videos, alongside podcasts and sermons, promote Reformed theology, sound doctrine, and a Christ-centered worldview.